Blog?! Why Do I Need One?

Midlife crisis? Possible!  Serving my insatiable ego? Probably! Newcomer to the blogosphere, not having spent much time reading blogs, why did I think of starting one of my own?

I have a lot to say, but I don’t always feel comfortable saying it aloud. Writing is the quietest way I can speak out, convey and share my ideas. My life has taken me on some pretty ordinary paths, but I have never felt small. I have tried to connect with the vastness of my existence, and always imagined myself as a small piece of a larger totality.

I have also pursued various interests and ideas during the span of my short life. Like picking shells on an endless walk by the sea.  This blog will be about my pursuits, timeless in nature that began nowhere and will end nowhere.

3 thoughts on “Blog?! Why Do I Need One?

  1. Nissidhi

    Nice reasoning to have blog. I have always wondered why I need a blog, but never able to figure out what kind of blog – personal/anonymous, purpose of the blog or whether I have that dedication to update regularly. Let me think again with your perspective and style in mind….

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